Dr. Brian Autry serves as president of Innovative Faith Resources, in addition to serving as Executive Director of the SBC of Virginia, a partnership of more than 800 Southern Baptist churches. The SBCV has a vision for strong churches with a bold commitment to the Great Commission. Th SBCV mission is to come alongside local churches to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ together to reach our neighbors and the nations. They give special focus to church planting and revitalization, strengthening local church ministries and pastors, and mobilizing churches for missions.
Brian previously served as senior pastor of Parkway Baptist Church in Moseley, Virginia. The Autry’s started Parkway Baptist Church in March 2002, and the church grew from 13 founding families to more than 1,000 people in attendance. Brian also served Kempsville Baptist Church and served as the state director for student ministries for the SBC of Virginia. The Autry’s served as missionaries for the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board in evangelism and church planting.
Since becoming executive director, Brian has consulted with and served several churches as an interim pastor including Grove Avenue Baptist, Mount Pleasant Baptist, and First Baptist Woodbridge. He is also an adjunct profesor for Southeastern Seminary and Liberty University, teaching Christian leadership and spiritual formation.
He has served as a trustee for Southern Seminary and Liberty University. Brian received a bachelor’s degree from James Madison University; a Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Doctor or Philosophy (PhD) from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children.